Sir Winston Churchill famously said that history is written by the victors.
And when future generations pore over what is written unto this glorious, historic day they shall undoubtedly notice that Your Correspondent here is a proud Battersea Pawnbreaker.
So, future-readers, there’s your clue: history is written by victors, thus the mighty Battersea Pawnbreakers were the VICTORS!
Tim Valentine‘s Battersea Pawnbreakers won their final match of the 2019 Summer Chess League season to top the table in division 3.

As the final curtain fell on the 2019 SCL season, Tim’s team held off the challenge of the Eastern Jewels with a 3.5-0.5 final-round win over Hammersmith’s Just Hammered.
There were wins for Arnold Hunt, Raja Krovvidi and David Blackwell while captain Tim on board 1 drew.
The Jewels, meanwhile, needed a win but could only manage a 2-2 draw with The Pawn Ultimatum.
Full results are here.
The final Summer Chess League tables are here.