Take a Bao! We have another excellent result from a Battersea player to report – and this one came with a huge, huge prize.
Bao Nghia Dong, our Vietnamese whizzkid, bagged his first IM norm at the weekend with a stunning show at the Prague International Chess Festival.
This is what his certificate looks like:

Bao hit a performance rating of 2464 Fide as he scored 5.5/9 in the Open section.
His wins included victory over Russian GM Mikhail Ivanov and Indian IM G. Akash.

On Facebook, 27-year-old Bao said: “Prague treats me so well.”
So what does Bao need to become a full International Master?
Normally three norms in international tournaments involving other IMs and Grandmasters are required before FIDE will confer the title on a player. IMs usually have an Elo rating between 2400 and 2500. Sometimes, though, there may be an IM who has not yet become a Grandmaster but has a rating greater than 2500.
The IM title can also be awarded for a few specific performances. For example, under current rules, the runner up at the World Junior Championship will be awarded the IM title if he or she does not already have it. Current regulations may be found in the FIDE handbook.
Well done son – you’ve done the club proud.
Check out his full results here.