About Us

Battersea Chess Club in London

Formed in 1885, Battersea Chess Club is the oldest continually-existing chess club in London and a founder member of the British Chess Federation. We welcome new members of all ages and abilities.

Our first team plays in the first division of the prestigious London Chess League, a competition that dates back to 1887, and we also field teams in the 2nd, 4th, 5th and 6th divisions.

The club also has teams in the Central London Chess League, which is a relatively new league with a more modern format played entirely at venues in Zone 1.

In the past, we have also played in the Surrey Chess League. The club remains a member of the Surrey County Chess Association and enters a team in the Alexander Cup, the league’s knockout competition.

Internally, Battersea also runs a Grand Prix competition that is formed by the Club Championship, the Barrow Tournament and the Grand Prix. We also hold an annual club Blitz Tournament, ad hoc blitz tournaments as well as the occasional friendly match against other clubs.

That makes everything we do sound very serious – but it doesn’t have to be.

If all you want is a few social games and a good place to get better at chess than you are more than welcome too. The atmosphere is relaxed and there is always someone on hand to play a game.

So whether it’s a serious or a social game you’re after, come and meet us.

To find out more, come along to our club night on Tuesday from 7.00-10.30pm at the Battersea Labour Club, 81-83 Falcon Road, London SW11 2PF or contact the club secretary Leon Watson – updates@batterseachessclub.org.uk.

Club Officers:

President — Stephen Welch
Secretary — Stephen Welch
Treasurer and Juniors Officer — Florence Borrelly
Membership and Women’s Recruitment Officer — Zoya Boozorginia
Tournament Director — Greg Taylor
Equipment Officer — Arnold Hunt
Safeguarding Officer — Alan Palmer
Assistant Secretary — N/A
Communications Officer — N/A
Independent Auditor — Vic Rumsey
And finally Alan Palmer. Thanks again Alan for all your years of service as Chairman.

Team Captains:

London Chess League

Battersea Albatrosses (Division 1) Meet Shah
Approx rating: 1800-2200+

Battersea Blue Jays (Division 2) Arnold Hunt
Approx rating: 1600-2000+

Battersea Cardinals (Division 4) Bill Drennan + Alan Palmer
Approx rating: 1500-1800+

Battersea Dogs (Major Division) Michael Krautzberger
Approx rating: 1400-1800+

Battersea Eagles (Major Division) Arnold Hunt
Approx rating: 1400-1800+

Battersea Falcons (Minor Division) David Blackwell
Approx rating: 1000-1650+

Battersea Goats (Minor Division) Chad Green
Approx rating: 1000-1650+

Battersea Women (Women’s Division) Zoya Boozorginia
Approx rating: all abilities

Battersea (Eastman Cup knockout) Meet Shah
Approx rating: 1800-2200+

Central London League

Battersea 1 (Division 1) Emil Todorow
Approx rating: 1800-2200+

Battersea 2 (Division 2) Caglar Meric
Approx rating: 1600-2000+

Battersea 3 (Division 3) Tim Valentine
Approx rating: 1400-1800+

Croydon & District League

Battersea (Dave Luctin Trophy) Leon Watson
Approx rating: 1400-1850+

Women’s chess events

Battersea Women Zoya Boozorginia
All abilities