Join us for a night when we’re visited by, without a doubt, the world’s most formidable chess twins.
To be fair I don’t really know of any others, but that still doesn’t mean I’m wrong. No, on this evening we’re not even going to hold the fact against them that they are two regular hitmen for the mighty Wood Green.
Grandmaster Nicholas and International Master Richard Pert will be joining us on Tuesday, May 28 to give a simultaneous display with a twist.
Chess twins = double-trouble
While you’re still trying to come up with quirky things to say regarding thinking you were talking to the other one and rest assured they’ve heard it all before, we’ll have different dynamic for you to figure out.

Yes, this time you’ll have your chance to play against the both of them at the same time so you can begin to appreciate just the first step as to what these simul givers have to go through.
One of the brothers will play against you on one board while soon after you can expect the other to appear to play on the other. All you need to know is, if there’s a Pert in front of you, he’ll be expecting you to make a move. It’s up to you to remember which board you should be moving on.
If after all that double Pert, your attention span is wavering there will be a series of puzzles for all levels set-up all around the club, and I really do mean all levels.
Don’t be Pert-urbed
This is but a teaser from the Ginger GM DVD we wanted to highlight by GM Nick Pert called ‘Killer Endgames’. It’s a fabulous resource for anyone needing to brush up on their endgame concepts or discover new ones. If you manage to get your head around just some of these in this 9-hour packed gem it will instantly improve your play. That’s a promise.
Hopefully, we’ll have some of these copies on the night for sale for anyone wanting them.
You might also have the pleasant company of the likes of GM Simon Williams himself who will be there to cheer on his peers, or maybe even help with a bit of distraction.
If you ask him nicely, I hear he’s partial to a drink he might be at hand to help you work on some of those endgames.
Perts mean prizes
If you manage to score full a point on both games in the simul, that is if you manage to beat Nick or Richard we’ll give you a copy of the Killer Endgame DVD.
Equally, if you can pull off two draws against them you will win a free copy.
If you somehow manage to pull off a miracle double win. There will be £100 prize money for the winner.
We have a limited number of spaces for the simul itself, for everyone else you can bury yourself in those puzzles or just play casually. It will be open at first to Battersea members exclusively for the first week, after that we’ll open it up to a wider audience.
Finally, the night is absolutely free. Any anonymous donations would be highly welcomed on the night. I can assure you it will all go straight to the Perts.
If you’re interested in taking part please send me an email at I’ll get back to you if you’re confirmed a seat in the simul.